What most dating guides will tell you is that the best chance you have of getting laid on casual Canadian dating sites is in that first email that you send out. You can have all the tips and tricks in the world, but if that first email is not executed correctly, it will all be a waste. There are a couple of emails that we found worked great on women. There are also those that did not work at all. We will share all these with you.

Knowing what to write requires a little bit of creativity and some confidence. There are some things that you need to aim for. Listed below are some of those things. These are the things that women on Canadian casual sex websites mostly respond to;
- An email that will make her laugh
- An original email
- A personalized email
- An email that will make her smile
- An email that is obviously not copy-pasted
- An email that is just the right length, not too long or too short
- An email that is not moronic
Once you have these down, you are sure to send out the best casual sex dating emails. This is however only the tip of the iceberg. There is a lot more needed to make that email perfect. But all these are easy to master, and mostly common sense. The problem most times however is that common sense is not always that common.
It only takes one or two emails to begin to get the drift. The rest will flow smoothly without too much effort on your part. To be able to know what to say to women on casual dating sites, there are some simple things that you can apply. These are listed below.
A little humor will definitely go down well with women on casual dating websites Canada. Avoid crude jokes. They are not funny nor will they get you laid. Something else to complete avoid on first emails on casual dating sites is pick-up lines. They don’t work in real life and they will not work online!
Making her smile is easy. Women love complements. You will have to be careful here. Complement her on her profile or something that you read on her profile. Complementing her ass, tits or legs will not get you laid even on a Canadian casual online dating site. What’s more, all the guys are already telling her how great her ass is. This will help you stand out, and definitely get you a response.
We tested over 50 different emails and were able to identify which ones worked. We were also able to find out which ones do not work at all. Below are examples of emails that did not work, and emails that worked. Although you can use these examples yourself, just be sure to personalize each message every time you send one to a different girl.
Emails That Did Not Work
Email #1
“Hey beautiful, I love your incredibly sexy body. I don’t know about you but I’m free this weekend, how about we hook up?”
Why It Will Not Work
To begin with, the message is way too short. There is also nothing to say that you read her profile, this is exactly the kind of message that you could send to 50 different women. There is also nothing here that says that you are serious. Another big mistake is complementing her on her body. This one will be thrown in the bin with the rest of the douche bags.
Email #2
I checked out your profile and I got an instant boner! In fact I still have one just fantasizing about tapping that ass. You are so sexy I want to fuck you all night, bend you over and fuck you in every position you can imagine. I got a big dick too so you are sure of hours of hard pleasure. I’m great in bed and don’t cum until my lady does. I’m all about fine asses and baby yours is the bomb. Hit me up soon so I can show you what I’m all about.
Why It Will Not Work
These are exactly the kinds of messages that give guys a bad name. It is true that this is a Canadian dating website for casual encounters, but this email will still not do. It is overly perverted and no girl worth fucking will fall for this kind of message.
Emails That Worked
There are also some emails that we found got us the most replies, and eventually the most number of shags. We kept it clean and funny and the results were exactly what we were looking for. Below are the three emails that worked the best on Canadian dating sites for casual sex.
Email #1
I have three reasons why you should reply to this email. 1) We both live in Toronto, 2) we are both Coldplay fans and 3) I’m captivated by your deep blue eyes. I have a couple more reasons why I think we should chat soon, but you will have to get in touch to find out what they are. Look over my profile and hit me up on IM if you’re interested. I’m free to meet up for the weekend, hope that works for you? Will be waiting to hear from you!
Why It Works
The message is clean and to the point. It is definitely something different from all the penis descriptions that she has had to endure. It also shows that you have gone through her profile and that you are seriously interested in hooking up.
Email #2
So I’m not going to send you any pictures of my junk, misspell words or talk to you about hitting it doggy style. I’d like you to have someone that knows how to talk to a real lady for a change. We are all looking for casual sex but there is no reason why we can’t be classy about it. If you want to chat more, contact me on my IM. I’ll be looking forward to hearing from you.
Why It Works
Again, this is something different that she is going to appreciate. It is classy and to the point. There is also a little bit of humor mixed in, and definitely a welcome change from what she is used to.
Email #3
I’m probably not your perfect guy. No pictures of my penis or descriptions of what I’d love to do. Still I think we could get along great. I’m easy going and from your profile, I can tell that we well get on just fine. Check out my profile and contact me on IM if you are interested in chatting a little more. We could maybe grab drinks this weekend? I can’t wait to hear from you.
Why It Works
This is also straight forward, mixed in with a little humor. It is also interesting to read from the first line. It is exactly the kind of email that she will want to reply to.
With casual sex dating emails, it is all about the first contact. If you screw that up, you are most likely going to lose your chance to get laid. Pay attention to what you want to say and always re-read your message before sending.